You are here on purpose

When we built our studio, we built it for someone just like YOU in mind.
Close your eyes and envision a serene space nestled in
the heart of New City, NY amongst the tree tops, surrounded by
windows and beautiful light. In this space you will experience a
profound connection with self and the beautiful
nature around you. Nature holds countless lessons, in our studio
you can uncover the wisdom it has to offer.
Along side our unique space,
we offer a variety of heated & non-heated classes.
Our heated classes add depth to your yoga practice.
with infrared heaters mimicking the sun's radiant radiant heat waves
making the heat easier to tolerate it transferring warmth to the
body, gently increasing circulation, providing pain relief, and purification.
Infrared heat directly targets object's, not the
surrounding space, benefiting in circulation, muscle flexibility,
and calorie burning. As your body absorbs these waves,
molecules vibrate, aiding in toxin and fat release.
About our Offerings

"Your own Self-Realization is the greatest service you can render the world."
Sri Ramana Maharshi